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My Papa’s doctor prescribed Trazadone for his anxiety. It worked wonders. He was restless, like your Mom - never sat still, would just get to his chair and have to use the bathroom again, so off he’d go (but it was all part of the restlessness). And it was a wonder drug at night, best sleep he’d had in years!
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Get her a stationary bicycle 🚴. Skip the meds ...Did she have brain MRI ? Only that can confirm dementia.
hugs 🤗
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gladimhere Mar 2021
An MRI cannot confirm dementia. Only autopsy on death can positively identify it. The PET scans are showing promise.
Imho, a "cocktail" (not alcohol) of medications, if you will, is often a very individualized science. Your mother have not been given the correct ones. Prayers sent.
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We never found something that would calm her down and eventually she stopped taking any pills. I had to crush and sneak them in her food or drinks.
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One problem is that most Dr. are not trained in Geriatric medicine. So they experiment with drugs that may ,or may not, help the elderly.Then there is the issue of every person has their own DNA make up so what works for one person may not work for another. In my situation I found that routine helped alot. Try to keep the same schedule as much as possible. Do not discuss negative issues with her, or around her. Create a calm atmosphere. She will pick up on your frustration. Do not handle this alone wlthout your own emotional support from someone who really understands or it will be overwhelming.Try to get other Family members to give you a break on a regular basis if you cant afford hired help.Find a Geriatrician in your area if possible and rely on their expertise.Hope this helps.
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First of all, I would gather facts about the different drugs and go and speak with the head pharmacist. Often they have good information. Second, research it all on line and make a spread sheet listing pro's and con's. You will learn a lot. Good luck.
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Have you tried Holy Basil from the health food store?
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
One tool that is being used more frequently is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We don't have an exact test yet that definitively diagnoses Alzheimer's disease, but an MRI can help in a couple of different ways. It can be used to eliminate other causes for memory loss such as normal pressure hydrocephalus, a brain tumor or a stroke. Sometimes, an MRI can also find a reversible cause for cognitive decline that, with the proper treatment, can be reversed and cognitive functioning restored.2
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