
Mom is 91, has several health issues and is wheelchair bound. She has no assets and receives a modest Social Security and pension check. She resides in NY and has Medicare and Medicaid which provide 24/7 live in aides. Her health and mental state are deteriorating and she may be of need of a nursing home soon. I live in Virginia and would prefer to have her in a facility close to me. Any recommendations on how best to transfer her Medicaid benefits and transport her to Virginia? Should I have her admitted to a NY nursing home first and then have her transferred to Virginia or is there a better less complicated way to do this? I could drive her the 6 hours if that would be better. Thanks in advance.

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I am in Canada, so I am only relaying what I have heard from others in the USA. Medicaid is a state program and does not transfer from state to state. Each state has their own residency rules regarding eligibility. So you will need to contact Medicaid in Virginia and ask them what the process is to get her coverage.
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You can’t transfer her medicaid benefits. She will have to become a VA resident and apply for VA Medicaid. Keep in mind. NY has the highest asset limit for Medicaid eligibility at $15k. She can have $15k in the bank and have Medicaid. VA will only allow her to have $2k in the bank so if she has more than that, it will have to be spent down on her care before she can get Medicaid in VA.

Medicaid will not pay to transport her to VA either. You will have to hire a transport company yourself or drive her.
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