We took FIL on a short weeeknd trip 2 1/2 hours from home to visit friends and get him out of the house for a change of scenery. We made stops to get out and stretch and he was fine on the way there. At the hotel that night he began to complain of some discomfort in his lower back / buttocks region. He went to bed early and felt better in the morning but once we got home he could not use his left leg at all and his right leg was weak. The doctor thinks he has a pinched nerve in his spine and we get MRI results tomorrow but he is wheelchair bound now and keeps trying to get up to prove to us he can walk ( which he can’t). Only a matter of time til he falls I fear. I’m wondering if anyone has a senior who underwent spine surgery or had a pinched nerve and what was their treatment protocol? I realize every body is different but can a 90 year old person handle a surgery to repair stenosis?
My niece was scheduled for a hip dysplasia surgery and after 2 chiropractic treatments she no longer needed surgery. Didn't need it in the 1st place, just needed a good adjustment.
Doctors are far to quick to cut us open.
My mom had surgery for spinal stenosis at age 75 in 2014 because she was in horrible pain, couldn’t hardly walk. She did great after that surgery. So great that she Refused to stay in rehab the 100 free days that she could have. Came home, refused to hire any kind of help. Had multiple falls. Second surgery in 2015 had disastrous results.
FIL has tolerated the surgery well- so far so good for today - he was unable to walk at all for the past week and that was not a condition he could accept. His GP thinks he could live another 10 years he is in such good shape with body systems! I often wonder: will he outlive me? As I become more weary he gets stronger it seems. Hope PT goes well for your Mom and her mobility returns quickly.
The MRI shows severe lumbar stenosis along with some bulging discs and lots of arthritis. He is referring FIL to a neurosurgeon who is very conservative and has experience with elderly spines. Family doc thinks FIL is in great health for a good surgical outcome if the neurosurgeon seems it necessary. FIL wants to pursue with the specialist to decide on a treatment. I’m kind of worried he will not be able to walk again ever. This is more serious than inflammation. His left leg is completely useless and we have to pick it up for him to get him into and out of the wheelchair or bed etc. He is able to use his arms so we encourage him to use them as much as possible. We got an appt next Tuesday with the specialist and I wish it had been today because I can barely manage the caregiving and he is getting weaker every day. We will ask about chiropractic care and other non invasive measures. Sending thanks for those who gave advice and to everyone who commented!