
Looking for a medicine that may be more gentle and of course as effective as possible. Thank you.

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Discuss this with the doctor who prescribed it. Ask if there is something else worth trying. When my mother couldn't tolerate Aricept it was simply discontinued, no replacement. (My husband took it for 10 years. The reactions to this drug are very individualistic.)

What specifically was the doctor trying to achieve with this medication? Hoping for reduced agitation, better memory, better concentration -- what, specifically? Or was it just given in the general hopes that it might be helpful and if it wasn't it could be discontinued?

I see that your mother is in AL. Did she have some impairments before the dementia set in? Is she still doing OK in the ALF? Has she been seen by a geriatric psychiatrist? Who (what kind of doctor) prescribed the aricept?

The behavioral neurologist who treated my husband's dementia immediately prescribed aricept. It reduced his hallucinations. HooRay! On our next visit he told us that he would only ever start one medication at a time, but that hubby might wind up with several meds. Which symptom was the most problematic for us? If he could only help us with one thing at a time, what should he start with? Dear husband wanted improved sexual performance, sigh, but we settled on being able to sleep through the night.

There is no cure for dementia. There really aren't even any medications that reliably address the disease. But there are some medications that can help with specific symptoms -- some were developed for dementia and others exist for other diseases. I think it is good to think in terms of what symptom are we trying to improve, and work on only one symptom at at time.

(Our second symptom was to reduce his falls. We continued to add medications one by one for about a year, and overall they contributed to his quality of life for the next nine years.)
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BTW. I am 72. My heart aches for your mother! And also for you, as I think of my own children if I ever develop dementia and they have to deal with it.

Come back and chat with us often. Many of us have cared for loved ones with dementia.
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Awe thank you so much- yes, it’s sad that she’s 71 and the symptoms have been showing for a few years. She lives in AL as she is a widow - and my brother and I don’t live in the same time—and was getting to confused at times living on her own. She needed structure and activity. She moved in in nov and it was quite rough but she’s adjusting better than we thought. She’s close to me and my children now so that’s very helpful.

As far as meds - the goal is to delay things as much as possible. She really has no other physical problems. She’s on galatamine (totally spelled wrong!) after speaking to her doctor. My fingers are crossed her stomach etc can tolerate it.

Thank you again for your knowledge, kind words, and sharing a part of your journey. There is power in numbers! Thank you...thank you.
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We are seeing a neurologist... but have been shopping around. This is our 3rd one!
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