
What do I do when I am just the caregiver and not the husband? I have tried to change her thinking and it just leads to conflict. So as the caregiver I will suggest she call her husband and then leave the room or go outside some place where she cannot hear me. Then when she calls, I tell her as her husband, I will be home shortly. She thinks I still work. I then go downstairs (where she is not), change clothes and come back, say to front door  and come in.  She accepts me for a while as her husband.

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Well, it’s a very creative solution. Congratulations on playing roles so very well.
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When our loved ones have dementia it is so important to just meet them where they're at. And it sounds like you're doing a good job with that.
One will never win if they try and argue with a person with dementia, so there's no use even trying. It's always best to just go along with whatever they are saying, as it helps keep the peace in an otherwise very stressful situation.
Keep up the good work.
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Wow. This must be terribly difficult to negotiate. I am so sorry.
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My opinion? Whatever works.

When my LO became disoriented and stressed, we who loved her just went with whatever made her comfortable.

You are a kind and concerned spouse. Hoping for the best, for you both.
Helpful Answer (2)

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